Friday, February 25, 2011

So Many Things, part 3

1. The above video. Best. Commercial. Ever.

2. Taking a mental health day, especially on a Friday cause that means a three-day weekend!

3. The 'Gum Mix at Stereogum. Great blog, and great random mix of music for when I really can't make a decision to save my life.

4. Going to sleep at 9pm every now and then. Even night owls need a break!

5. Suzi Loves Cowboys nail polish by O.P.I. "It looks like you dipped your fingers in chocolate a good way." (According to my roommate.)

6. This article on dating from the Village Voice (care of I'm Boy Crazy).

7. Mental Floss -- because where else could you read about a place in England that sells ice cream made from human breast milk? Weird....

8. Avocados.

9. Hemingway Cats. Why do they have so many toes???? Prolly so they can do this...

10. The rain I can hear falling outside. Cause a) I'm not in it, and b) it means it must be warm enough that it's not snow...which I take to mean that Spring could actually happen.


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